Dog Agility Clubs
Dog Agility is a popular sport which involves training your dog to complete a course of obstacles quickly and accurately.
There are a number of websites and books which can help you to train your dog in dog agility, but you may find it useful to join a class or club which will provide professional training and help you with any difficulties which you might have with your dog when you start to train them in agility.
Below is a list of dog agility training groups in Surrey along with a brief description and details of prices and location. Usually dogs are unable to compete before they are 18 months old, but often clubs will let you join before then and start to train using less demanding obstacles.
You can choose between training with a competitive club, or to train with a fun agility class. If you are keen to compete someday then perhaps a club would be appropriate, where as if you just want to give it a try then a training class might be better. These also seem more relaxed and are happier to work with problem dogs that might not be as good to recall or have other training issues.
The information here has been gathered from publicly available information which each club has posted and was correct when collated but please check with the group directly to confirm any details provided.
Company of Animals Pet Centre
Type: Pet/Competition
Location: Ruxbury Farm, St Ann’s Hill Rd, Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 9NL
Price: £96.00 – eight week course
Dogs age: 7 months +
Level: Various
When: Thursday daytime and evening
Facilities: Outdoor arena and field with full agility equipment. The arena and field are also available to rent for personal use.
Information: The Company of Animals Pet Centre offers a range of services including pet dog training at all levels as well as physio/hydrotherapy and grooming. They have full agility competition equipment including Galican and a wide range of professional equipment for use whilst training.
Four Paws Agility Club (Previously Dingley Dell Four Paws Agility)
Type: Non Competitive
Location: Cliff Hatch Stables, Saunders Lane, Mayford, Woking, Surrey, GU22 0NU
Website: Here
Tel: Ellen Davis – 07590 620 552
Price: £90 for 10 weeks
Dog’s Age: Any
Level: All abilities – Four Paws teach for fun but up to competition level.
When: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7pm and Tuesday mornings from 9.45am.
Facilities: Indoor floodlit arena
Information: Agility classes are offered in ten week sessions and classes meet once a week for one hour. They welcome dogs of all shapes and sizes but advise that dogs are over 12 months of age before taking part in full height agility. They will accept younger dogs and tailor the session to your dogs needs if under 1 year old. They train to competition level but aren’t a competitive club.
Newlands Working Dog Society
Type: Competitive Club
Location: Merrist Wood, Guildford, GU3 3PE
Website: Here
Price: ?
Dogs Age:
Level: Novice to Competition
When: Monday evenings
Facilities: Indoor Riding School
Information: Newlands Working Dog Society (NWDS) is a Surrey based club covering the Guildford and Woking area, As its name suggests, NWDS is a dog training club that has sections in more than one discipline. Although the club’s biggest section is agility, it is proud to also have active and successful sections in obedience/ pet dog training and working trials.
To take part in Agility classes, dogs must have had basic obedience training and a good recall, if you have never trained a dog for agility before they recommend you start with their Obedience group on a Thursday evening.
Surrey Dog Training Society
Type: Competitive Club
Location: Cranleigh RDA, Rowly Drive, Cranleigh, GU6 8PL
Website: Here
Price: £35 for 10 weeks, membership £7.
Dogs Age: Any
Level: Beginner to Competition
When: Thursday evenings
Facilities: Indoor riding school with professional equipment
Information: Started in 1955, the club takes part in a range of activities and organises competitions as well. Their website is not currently active so recommend you contact them through their Facebook page. They are a very active club though with lessons from beginners upwards.
CC Agility
Type: Training Class
Location: Lower Birtley Farm, Brook, GU8 5LB (In between Haslemere and Godalming)
Website: Here
Price: ?
Dogs Age: Any
Level: Beginner to competition
When: Monday & Tuesday Evenings and Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings
Facilities: Competition standard equipment
Information: Special classes are held for puppies to teach basic obedience and young, growing dogs join beginning agility classes. Class sizes are kept small up to 8 dogs per class and are held throughout the year with the occasional break.
Scrambles Obedience & Agility Dog Training School
Type: Training Class
Location: Apps Court Farm, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 2EG
Website: Here
Price: £60-£80
Dogs Age: AnyLevel: Beginners to competition
When: ?
Facilities: ?
Information: The cost of a Foundation course is £80 for an eight week course which can be followed by a second course for only £64. You may then be invited to become a member at a reduced price.
Millbrook Agility Dogs
Type: Competitive Club
Location: Merrist Wood, Guildford, GU3 3PE and Higher Park Farm Riding School, Chobham, GU24 8SL
Website: Here
Price: Approx £60 – £70 for a 10 week course with an annual membership fee of £10.
Dogs Age: Any
Level: Beginner to Competition
When: Weekday evenings
Facilities: Indoor and outdoor venues. All equipment is of competition standard, (Premier, Jaycee) and includes wells, walls, tables and various sets of training weaves.
Information: Classes are held every evening Monday to Friday from 6 p.m -10 p.m. at their indoor and outdoor venues, and daytime classes are also available. They also have a special class for OAP’s.
Pachesham Agility
Type: Competitive Club
Location: Pachesham Equestrian Centre, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 0AL
Website: Here
Price: ?
Dogs Age: Any
Level: Beginner to competition
When: Multiple days – around 15 classes throughout the week
Equipment: Use of an indoor school but may train outdoors on the grass our outdoor school during the summer.
Information: Monday evenings are for beginners and non-competitive handlers, and daytime classes are on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings (10.30-1.30). Tuesday evenings are for competing dogs and Thursday evenings are for novice dogs.
Both trainers have been competing at the highest level in agility since the 1980s, with many wins at Crufts and Olympia and have represented their country in international competitions.
CK9 Training
Type: Training Class
Location: Hengest Farm, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 3EY
Website: Here
Price: £90
Dogs Age: Any
Level: Beginners
When: Friday daytimes and Saturday afternoons
Facilities: In a field
Information: A good level of recall is needed to join the course. The owner of CK9 Training competes in agility with her Shelties and has represented Great Britain and the England team as well as competing at Crufts and Olympia.
Canine Kids
Type: Training Class
Location: Farnham, GU10 1HS or Camberley GU15 4HE
Website: Here
Price: ?
Dogs Age: All
Level: Beginner to novice
When: Have a calendar on their website – however no dates for agility when we checked
Facilites: Multiple locations
Description: From 6 months old pre-agility and 1 year old beginners courses. This is fun agility so they do not have a competition level.
Clever Paws
Type: Training Class
Location: St. Johns the Evangelist Church Hall, Lingfield, RH7 6JU
Website: Here
Price: £60 for 6 x 1 hour lessons
Dogs Age:
Level: Beginners to Advanced
When: The classes are be held outside on a Monday (morning & afternoon) & Thursday (afternoon and evening), depending on the time of year.
Equipment: Full set of Kennel Club standard agility equipment
Information: They train using positive rewards and it takes place in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. They do not appear to have a competition level.
Haslemere District Dog Training Club
Type: Semi-Competitive Club
Location: Priory Equestrian Centre, Frensham, GU30 3DP
Website: Here
Price: £60 for 10 weeks
Dogs Age: At least 10 months and under 4 years when joining
Level: Beginner to Advanced
When: Mondays 6.15 pm to 9.30 pm
Information: Handlers need a good level of basic control, and there is often a waiting list so its advisable to apply before you wish to join. The Club has a team of experienced and friendly instructors – 2 of whom are Kennel Club Accredited instructors.